The 43rd International School for Young Astronomers (ISYA), program of the International Astronomical Union, is hosted at INAOE, Tonantzintla (Puebla), Mexico, between 17th of July and 4th of August, 2023. We received 39 students from 14 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Uruguay all pursuing graduate studies in Astronomy. To lecture, we have a team of 14 lecturers, from Mexico, USA, Brazil, Australia, Italy and Norway.
The school at poster session during the 3rd week43 ISYA students by their posters, with lecturer Roberto Cid Fernandes (UFSC, Brazil)
Lecturers and project tutors during the 3rd week of the school. Left to right top to bottom: Roberto Cid Fernandes (UFSC, Brazil), Daniela Calzetti (UMass-Amherst, USA), Sara Webb (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia), José Ramón Valdés (INAOE, Mexico), Alessandro Bressam (SISSA, Italy), Divakara Mayya (INAOE, Mexico), Itziar Aretxaga (INAOE, Mexico), David Mota (Univ. Oslo, Norway), Alfredo Montaña (INAOE, Mexico), Olga Vega (INAOE, Mexico), Miguel Chávez (INAOE, Mexico).
Student activities:
Lecture room
Computer lab session
Computer lab session
Computer lab session
Poster session
Poster session
Poster session
Student presentations
Student presentations
Group projects
Interferometry Lab
Interferometry Lab
Work Ethics Discussion
Work Ethics Discussion
Work Ethics Discussion
Group presentations
Group presentations
Group presentations
Visit to LMT/HAWC
Group picture
Outside the LMT
Inside the LMT
Lecturers in action
Roberto Cid-Fernandes (UFSC, Brazil): SED fittings
Luis Zapata (IRyA-UNAM, Mexico): Millimeter-wavelength observational astronomy
Daniel Rosa-González (INAOE, Mexico): Python crash course
Roberto Galván (IRyA-UNAM, Mexico): Interstellar Medium
Sara Webb (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia).: Machine Learning
Entrevista con Daniel Mocencahua Mora sobre mi trayectoria científica y de fotografía subacuática (abril 2020), para el programa en línea Nichjama thi […]
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